Every Fake Game In Kingdom Hearts 3, Reviewed TA Labs 2:39 PM News ta labs Inside the Toy Story world in Kingdom Hearts 3, players can find a video game store. This store is filled with games that presumably exist in the Toy Story universe. These games also need to be reviewed. Read more... from Gizmodo http://bit.ly/2GvtHXx Share this Share on FacebookTweet on TwitterPlus on Google+ Related PostsEquifax Payouts, DoorDash Non-Apology, and Hellish Heat: Best Gizmodo Stories of the WeekClear the Rack Is Back With Over 23,000 Discounted ItemsFrance Announces Plan to Launch Satellites With Defensive Lasers, Possibly Submachine GunsSimu Liu Shares the Story of His Shang-Chi CastingHey, Check It Out: Butter AstronautsNeil deGrasse Tyson Will Keep His Job at Hayden Planetarium After Sexual Misconduct Investigation