Watch Today's Total Solar Eclipse Right Here TA Labs 7:07 AM News ta labs The Moon will cast its shadow over a small swath of Earth today. But unlike the hyped-up 2017 eclipse, the odds of the eclipse passing over your town are a whole lot lower. Read more... from Gizmodo Share this Share on FacebookTweet on TwitterPlus on Google+ Related PostsInstagram Founders Launch a Covid-19 Tracker for States That Anyone Can UnderstandFacebook Will Take on Twitch and YouTube With Its Own Gaming AppSay ‘I Do’ on Zoom: New York Governor Allows People to Obtain Marriage Licenses RemotelyTo Celebrate Hubble's 30th Anniversary, NASA's Sharing What it Snapped on Your BirthdaySunday's Best Deals: Xena and Battlestar Galatica Comics, A Lot of Reese's, Fossil Smartwatches, and MoreYou've Never Seen Planets of the Apes Like This Before