Wow, He's Really Going to Town TA Labs 1:51 PM News ta labs A family in Salinas, California, had only been using their new Ring security camera for about a month before it captured nightmare fuel—a stranger fellating their doorbell around 5:00 am on Saturday morning. Read more... from Gizmodo Share this Share on FacebookTweet on TwitterPlus on Google+ Related PostsArrests Continue As Protesters Swarm Capitol Hill Ahead of Kavanaugh VoteSome Facebook Employees Are Furious Their VP of Global Public Policy Supported Brett KavanaughEat Your Fandom at an NYCC Food Truck Dedicated to Nerdy DelicaciesBanky's Predictable Criticisms of Capitalism Continue With Self-Shredding PaintingSpock Is Here, and Bearded, in the New Star Trek: Discovery TrailerSenate Ignores Women, Confirms Brett Kavanaugh to the Supreme Court