Here's the Official Plan to Create the U.S. Space Force TA Labs 10:42 AM News ta labs Speaking at the Pentagon earlier today, Vice President Mike Pence outlined the official plan to create the U.S. Space Force, the first new branch of the military in more than 70 years. Read more... from Gizmodo Share this Share on FacebookTweet on TwitterPlus on Google+ Related Posts10 Tricks for Quicker Multitasking on Your SmartphoneThe Smallest Arc Lighter Is Down To Its Smallest PriceHow a Periodic Table of Brains Could Revolutionize NeuroscienceThe Wild Dunes of Indiana Are in a Fight to SurviveScientists Turned a Regular Fidget Spinner Into a Centrifuge That Separates BloodPunisher's Showrunner Wants Daredevil and Kingpin...If the Show Gets Another Season